Friday, November 16, 2007

Should I Go For It?

I Took The Handmade Pledge!

For several years now we've been talking about not 'buying' into the capitalistic view of Christmas shopping. Two years ago my dad's family decided we would only exchange handmade or second hand gifts and it went pretty well. There is also the idea of the $100 Christmas. We've even considered The Compact.

So, I came upon this option. Making a public pledge would make it more real. I haven't done much, if any, Christmas shopping yet so this is the time to take the plunge if I'm going to.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Caution: Bass Player at work!

Here is M on her new bass! She studied Suzuki violin for 6 years and this year decided to switch to bass and loves it. She had her first orchestra performance last week and really shone. A lot of her musical skills and talents are transferring very well to this huge instrument- and this is only a 1/4 size bass! The orchestra program and facilities at her public middle school are really impressive. The great thing for me is that she can take private lessons DURING SCHOOL--- no more afternoons dragging around to lessons! And she's more independent in her practice since I've not heard the instruction and therefore can't nag about what she should be doing. I do have to still pay for the lesson and instrument rental though.

By the way, in the background you will see our new fireplace and bookshelves. cje did all the tiling and woodwork himself. I did the shopping (no small feat) for the tile, stone, etc. Also, you'll see my red recliner in it's natural habitat.

Next installment: J on piano!

Monday, November 12, 2007

Long Lost Blogger Resurfaces!

No, I haven't fallen off the face of the earth... I spent a week in the hospital with M and am just now getting back to the blog. Which will be a brief respite because next week we are hosting my grandmother, aunt, cousin, and her 4 year old son along with my dad and stepmother for Thanksgiving.

M is completely recovered from the asthma attack that put her in ICU. We are considering a procedure for the heart arrhythmia that was exacerbated by all the bronchodilators- will keep you updated. For now it's all under control and we are just trying to get out from under the mountain of make-up work from two weeks of missed school.

Here are my sweeties in their Halloween Finery. M was "the Spirit of Halloween" (note the bats on the headband), Juliet a Vampire Bat, and Kensington none other than a Duck. Sorry they are sideways-I forgot to reorient them first. Also, please meet out Pumpkin-Head Dopplegangers, who have taken up seemingly permanent residence on our front porch.